Theft / Larceny

Criminal Defense – Theft / Larceny

Criminal Code:
e.g. Penal Law 155.40
(C Felony)

Criminal Code:
e.g. Penal Law 155.40
(C Felony)

§ 155.40 Grand Larceny In The Second Degree (Extortion)

MSG client charged with $350,000 embezzlement from employer. MSG negotiated the case, preparing an extensive social report detailing client’s accomplishments and standing in the community. MSG result: 90 days in jail and repayment of $50,000.

MSG client accused of receiving significant and illegal benefits from the City and State following September 11 2001 disaster. MSG result: Jury acquits client of all felony charges. MSG obtains misdemeanor verdict and a sentence of probation.


Myers & Galiardo LLP