Real Results

  • $650,000 for student injured by flying pencil $650,000 settlement at mediation for a student who was struck in the eye by a pencil thrown by another student. MG successfully argued that the staff at the summer camp was negligent in its supervision of the classroom, allowing the accident to happen.
  • $575,000 for Patient Fall in Hospital $575,000 settlement for female patient who was not properly supervised while at hospital and allowed to get up from her bed, wherein upon she fainted and fell, fracturing her jaw.
  • $575,000 for Facial Scar $570,000 settlement for teen who suffered a laceration and scarring to the face when a portable basketball hoop collapsed upon him at summer camp.
  • $525,000 verdict for client struck by car $525,000 verdict in Queens, County, for a bicyclist struck by car who suffered spinal injuries resulting in surgery, including a spinal fusion.
  • $480,000 to driver in one car accident $480,000 settlement against the City for an accident caused when client hit a large dip in the road and lost control of his vehicle, crashing into a parked car and fracturing his femur.  The City was forced to settle the case prior to trial when MSG uncovered prior notices and complaints about the dangerous condition, but which […]
  • $375,000 for Dog Bite $375,000 settlement on the eve of trial for a man bitten in the leg by a neighbor’s pitbull. by summary judgment motion we were able to establish the prior vicious propensity of the dog.
  • $350,000 for Fall at Work $350,000 settlement for cleaning lady who was directed to use a stool to dust shelving. the stool was unsteady, causing client to fall and damage her knee, requiring surgery.
  • $350,000 for Pedestrian Struck by Car $350,000 for woman who was entering street when a parked car moved forward and pinched her against the car parked in front of it, fracturing her pelvis. no surgery required.
  • $300,000 Verdict in Police Misconduct Trial $300,000 Verdict in Police Misconduct Trial: Plainclothes POs tailgate and frighten a citizen causing a motor vehicle accident resulting in a broken leg.
  • $180,000 for client injured in parked car $180,000 settlement for client in a parked car who suffered a torn rotator cuff of his shoulder in a low velocity motor vehicle accident when a double parked truck moved forward and struck client’s open driver’s side door as client was pulling it closed from within the car.

Real People, Real Results

Myers & Galiardo LLP

Myers & Galiardo LLP