

We represent many individuals who have been injured in motorcycle accidents.  Time and time again, cars fail to notice motorcyclists driving lawfully upon the road and cut in front of them, merge directly into their lane or force them off the road.  Time and again, it is the motorcyclist alone who suffers injury from the other driver’s
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MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS: The Search for all sources of coverage.

In some respects, at first glance, motor vehicle accidents may seem like the simplest type of personal injury claim.  After all, in most instances the police arrive at the scene and take a report, which includes information such as the identification of the driver and registered owner of each involved vehicle, the insurance carrier for each
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DWI and the Law

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a crime. In NYS, the penalties include the loss of driving privileges, fines, and a possible jail term. Your judgment, coordination and ability to drive a vehicle change when you consume any amount of alcohol. The level of impairment depends on five conditions: the amount of alcohol you drink the amount of
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CAR STOPS – “Failure To Signal” new predicate for car stops

Any criminal practitioner in recent years has seen a proliferation of the latest "catch all" predicate police allege for making a car stop: the defendant failed to signal.  It is a clever predicate in that, unlike the allegation of mechanical issues such as a broken tail light, it is nearly impossible to disprove. Moreover, in light  of the
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Myers & Galiardo LLP

Myers & Galiardo LLP