
DWI and the Law

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a crime. In NYS, the penalties include the loss of driving privileges, fines, and a possible jail term. Your judgment, coordination and ability to drive a vehicle change when you consume any amount of alcohol. The level of impairment depends on five conditions: the amount of alcohol you drink the amount of
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CAR STOPS – “Failure To Signal” new predicate for car stops

Any criminal practitioner in recent years has seen a proliferation of the latest "catch all" predicate police allege for making a car stop: the defendant failed to signal.  It is a clever predicate in that, unlike the allegation of mechanical issues such as a broken tail light, it is nearly impossible to disprove. Moreover, in light  of the
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Myers & Galiardo LLP

Myers & Galiardo LLP